Sunday, April 29, 2007

And I thought she was sooooo smart

So I have a secret love for shows on Animal Planet, including a show called Breed All About It. Shameful, yes. Anyway, today they were talking about how smart this one breed was.

Now Hailey was never at the top of her class, but she wasn't lowest either. I thought she was pretty smart. Well, I searched for Dog Breed Intelligence List and found my answer. Hailey ranks number 49 out 79! That is so sad, especially considering a lot of numbers have several breeds listed after them

This is what the website has to say about Hailey:

Ranks 40 to 54
Average Working/Obedience Intelligence

Understanding of New Commands: 25 to 40 repetitions.

Obey First Command: 50% of the time or better.

I guess that's a pretty accurate description of Hailey's ability to do things. It took her at least 25 repetitions to learn lay down. I was disappointed however to learn that Hailey is the least intelligent of all her friends. Her border collie buddies are #1, my parents dog is #6 and even her new friend Hero, a westie ranks at #47. Although, I know how she feels. My above average ACT score was the lowest of all my friends, but they all got near perfect scores.

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